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Moving & Handling Theory
Moving & Handling Theory
What is meant by the term risk assessment?
A process of recording compliance with CQC standards
A process of identifying problems that might be caused by a particular activity and ways these risks can be controlled or avoided.
A document that records care plan daily notes
A document that records a history of accidents
Which of the following can cause injuries to the spine?
Using your mobile phone while on duty
Twisting and bending
Repetitive activities
Not washing hands
Staying in the same position for long periods
Sudden unpredictable movements
Heavy work
Which of the following is correct?
Manual handling is any transporting or supporting of a load (including the lifting, putting down, pushing, pulling, carrying or moving thereof) by hand or by bodily force
Manual handling means carrying manuals and books
What does AARR stand for?
Avoid, Assess, Reduce, Review
Assess, Action, Refine, Reduce
Assess, Action, Reduce, Review
Action, Amend, Retry, Recover
Which of the following are common ways to reduce manual handling risks?
Never allowing residents to walk around
Using the correct equipment
Moving obstacles in the environment to make moving and handling easier
Putting residents in a reclining chair so that they can't get out
Encouraging residents to move themselves
User safe moving principles
What name is given to the 33 bones that make up the spine?
Spinal bones
Rib cage
Spinal chord
What name is given to the channel of nerves that travels down the spine?
Spinal nervous system
Spinal chord
Nerve channel
What does the term TILEO stand for?
Task, Indivdual Capability, Load, Environment, Other factors
Task, Individual, Lift, Error, Options
Trips, Infection, Light, Environment, Outside
Identify the 6 safe moving principles
Lifting heavy loads is good for your health
Keep your hands close to your trunk, sometimes understood as, keep the load close to your waist
Work from a steady base
Use a good hand grip
Always wear protective clothing
Lead with your head
Make the task smooth and flowing
Think before you begin
Select which people you should talk and listen to when working with others on manual handling tasks.
The person you are helping
Your mobile phone
Anyone assisting you in the task
Other staff, professionals or relevant people in order to understand what is needed.
Identify the benefits of encouraging a resident to move themselves as much as they can.
Maintain their mobility and muscle power
Improving their breathing
Maintaining their circulation capacity
Reducing their chances of being affected by certain diseases
Preventing falls
Promoting continence
Less work for care staff
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